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Toulouse Metro – Line B Connection

Toulouse Metro Line Route Map

While the working on the Connexion Ligne B is advancing, the journey of TBM Clemence Isaure, which is 30 m long, 5.28 m in diameter and reconditioned by the BESSAC company based in St Jory, was completed in its first section beneath the Canal du Midi on Wednesday 15 May following three months of work.

Currently excavation process of the first tunnel with 260 m length and an internal diameter of 4.66 m, is complete and the sceduled date for commencing digging the second tunnel by TBM is end of June.

Additionally, autumn 2024 is the dtermined date for excavation of two parallel tunnels, whereas they are due to be enable the Toulouse metro to cross the Canal du Midi and Avenue Latecoere. Connecting the current terminus of line B of the Toulouse metro with the future line C, the Connexion Ligne B project will be make up through these underground structures and is due to come into service in 2027.

In order to completing the second section,theTBM is now slated to be transported to the Ramonville structure, while it will start its new run, parallel to that of the first tunnel, at the end of June, and should finish digging in September.

The responsibility of advancing this project, which is 100% made in Occitanie, is up to SMAT, and with great pride up to the BESSAC, Soletanche Bachy, GTM Sud-Ouest TP GC consortium.

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