
Brenner Base Tunnel Lot H53 – Arrival of First Tunnel Segments

The first segments, which are currently arriving on the construction site Construction lot H53 Pfons-Brenner on the Brenner Base Tunnel project, cannot be manufactured directly on site, whereas the neighbouring construction lot, H41 Sillschlucht-Pfons was like that.

So using the rail trasport the segments, which in total are due to exceed 530,000 tonnes in weight, are being delivered to the construction site.

The responsibility of producing over than 54,000 segments, was up to Max Bögl group of companies, from Sengenthal in Bavaria.

TBMs Wilma and Olga will install these segments, commencing their drive from north in September 2024, to produce the inner shell of the two main tunnels in construction lot H53 Pfons-Brenner. The determined excavation distance for each of these two TBMs will be almost 7.5 km in a northerly direction.

Through a train the first segments reach the construction site in the municipality of Steinach am Brenner, during that the two tunnel boring machines are being assembled.

According to Christoph Mellitzer, deputy construction manager of BBT SE for the Pfons-Brenner section: “Due to the limited space, we were unable to produce the segments directly on the construction site, as was the case in construction lot H41 Sillschlucht – Pfons. That’s why, together with the Max Bögl group of companies, we found an innovative solution to avoid transport on the road.”

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