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Breakthrough On Chennai Metro

Breakthrough on Chennai Metro

Previous week TBM Anaimalai (S98) broke through at Otteri shaft on Corridor 3 following completing a 925m drive, and Chennai Metro Phase II extension has moved a step closer. This TBM was commissioned from Ayanavaram station in October last year.

Including three corridors and 116.1km of new metro rail, Chennai Metro Rail Ltd’s Phase II extension will benefit a total of 23 TBMs.

Excavation responsibility of the first 9km of twin underground tunnels in Corridor 3, thay is stretching from Madhavaram Milk Colony to Kelly’s station, is up to Tata Projects, whereas Terratec is supplying five of the seven TBMs that are due to build the tunnels on this section.

The date of commissioning TBM S96 was October 2022, while it achieved its breakthrough at Madhavaran High Road in August last year, and TBM S98 made its breakthrough in June 2023, moving from the same shaft at Madhavaran Colony towards Venugopal Nagar Station (of Line 5) to Kelly’s Station. The breakthrough of TBM S99 at Venugopal Nagar Station was celebrated in September.

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