
BBT – TBM Ida breaks through Lot H41 Sill-Pfons Gorge

BBT - TBM Ida breaks through Lot H41 Sill-Pfons Gorge

Being commissioned in June 2023 and with average advance of 13m per day, TBM Ida reached its first 3 km of excavation towards the south in the West line tunnel on 14 May 2024 while extracting 342,060 m³ of rock. Also this TBM has a further 5.4 km to drive.

Additionally, the critical fault zones called Viggartal and Walzn has already been covered by TBM Ida without any problems, whereas the other TBM Lilia currently has dug 2735 m and is also preparing to reach the 3 km milestone.

Installing lining rings consisting of six precast concrete segments weighing 60 t each until now, the TBMs have laid some 17,300 segments in the two tunnels, produced by the in-house factory and thus avoiding around 27,000 road trips by trucks.

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