
Industry Gears Up for World Tunnel Day

Tunnel Boring Machine Breakthrough

December 4th is the World Tunnel Day (the feast day of St Barbara, the patron saint of tunnellers) and is celebrated each year. So the Australian Tunneling Society (ATS) is gearing up to make this year’s ceremony the most memorable yet.

The day is marked around the world with stories, photos and videos of tunneling achievements posted on social media.

Australian Tunneling Society wants to make this year’s event the most memorable yet, turning World Tunnel Day into the most exciting Boring Day, reflecting the profound impact tunnels have on our daily lives.

According to the Australian Tunneling Society: “We’re calling on all tunnel enthusiasts (young, middle aged and old) to light up the underground on social media. We specifically invite you to share your accomplishments from the past year, aiming to engage more young professionals in our dynamic field. Whether it’s a project visit, a milestone achieved, or an engaging quiz night, we want to see it all! Your experiences are not only valuable to us but also serve as a wellspring of inspiration for our entire community.”

Responsibility of organizing the social media campaign to celebrate the day in UK is up to the British Tunneling Society Young Members.

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