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Erdogan Looks to Build ‘New World’ with Turkey-Iraq Road and Rail Project

Turkish - Iraqi Development Road Project Route

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish President, has represented the growing determination among Gulf states to admit the Turkish-Iraqi development road project.

He addressed attendees at the Concordia Summit in New York City and stated that Turkey is committed to advancing the project in association with other nations.

Erdogan expressed: “Through the Turkish-Iraqi development road, we will have the opportunity to build a new world through this step that we intend to take.”

The project aims to serve as a land route linking the Gulf states to Iraq and ahead to Europe via Turkish territory.

Erdogan mentioned that the project would contain both land and railway components, plus all essential infrastructure and superstructure.

He featured the affirmation of nations like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Iraq to the program. He continued: “We feel the same determination from the United States, Germany, and Japan towards this project”.

In late May, Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani first informed about the Development Road project, which is claimed to incorporate access to Turkish ports.

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