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Veidekke to Construct Stockholm Wastewater Tunnel

Stockholm Wastewater Tunnel

In order to construct the new Östberga tunnel, which is part of Stockholm’s future wastewater treatment system, Veidekke has concluded a contract with Stockholm Vatten och Avfall AB.

With around SEK600m (US$60m) contract value, the tunnel is scheduled to be launched in 2026.

The intended advantages of this new Östberga tunnel, which is an environmental improvement project, are to make Stockholm’s wastewater structure more robust and able to handle larger volumes of wastewater and precipitation.

The process of this project comprises two main parts. Building of a 2.2km mountain tunnel for surface water, with two associated service tunnels, each almost 250m long, are the subsets of the first stage, while the second part of the contract is the renovation and upgrade of an available control chamber, and also about 300m of new sea pipeline will be lowered and mounted on seabed piles. Additionally, in the first part, the mountain tunnel is due to be fitted with a cast concrete floor, most of the pipe installations, and steel hatches to regulate water flow.

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