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Updates in Minneapolis Central City Tunnel Project

Minneapolis Central City Tunnel Project Route

Construction of a new parallel storm tunnel, enlarging a portion of the existing storm tunnel, as well as building a new tunnel access in Downtown Minneapolis, are the current projects of the City of Minneapolis Public Works Department.

Location of this new tunnel that is being constructed parallel to the existing tunnel is beneath Washington Ave S between Nicollet Mall and Chicago Ave. In order to handling the increased stormwater capacity, the existing tunnel under Chicago Ave between Washington Ave S and the Mississippi River is being extended. Also decreasing pressure in the existing tunnel, providing more room for future growth, and reducing the need for future repairs and tunnel failures, are the purposes of this project.

Mississippi River Portal

The enlarging process of the existing storm tunnel at the Mississippi River for the season has been completed by crews and is due to resume later this fall when they can access the storm flow again. Advancing the lining process of tunnel with concrete through the summer is crew’s new work until the determined time.

2nd Ave

While crews have completed mining the new parallel storm tunnel under Washington Ave from the new tunnel access shaft in the southbound lanes of 2nd Ave S, just north of the Washington Ave intersection for the season, they are going to continue to work on lining the tunnel with concrete through the summer.

Portland Ave

Completing the mining process of the new parallel storm tunnel below Washington Ave from the existing tunnel access shaft at the northeast corner of the Washington Ave and Portland Ave intersection for the season, crews will continue to work on lining the tunnel with concrete through the summer.

To date the quantity of removed material by crews is around 67,800 t, whereas the excavation part of the project is now 97% completed. The scheduled date for final part of the excavation will be next winter and in May, crews continued to work on the concrete tunnel lining. To date, 3,700 cubic yards of concrete have been poured. This process is approximately 23% complete.

For further information please visit this website.

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