
Readiness of NASTT for No-Dig 2022

NASTT No-Dig Show Banner

Considering as the world’s largest trenchless technology conference, the NASTT No-Dig Show is due to be held in Minneapolis from .

The North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT) is the host of the annual No-Dig Show that has been doubled in size since 2001, while the current’s year event, being held at the Minneapolis Convention Center, includes almost 135 exhibitors and a packed conference program.

The micro tunneling and HDD, large diameter tunneling, project planning and delivery, construction project management, geotechnical issues, and future trends in infrastructure, as well as an environmental forum and an innovative product forum, are the contents of three days of events.

NASTT No-Dig Technology

Additionally, the networking events, such as the NASTT annual educational fund auction and reception, and the young professionals’ social, open to those aged 35 and under, are going to be illustrated in this event.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the previous year’s event, which was held in Orlando, Florida, possessed almost 1,300 attendees, less than the 2,200 average of the past five years.

The location of next year’s No-Dig Show, which is scheduled from 30 April to 4 May 2023, will be Portland, Oregon.

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