Mike King from MK Tunnelling Ltd, will present this year’s British Tunnelling Society Harding Memorial Lecture 2022.
On 17 November 2022, the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George St, London, will host this lecture, which’s title is “Why did that happen? – Failures below ground” and it will also be live streamed.
Considering his personal experience and surveying some of the data related to root causes of failures in underground projects, King will appraise whether the industry is capturing the real issues behind these events, and if more could be done to disseminate lessons.
Additionally, examining two examples of failure will be in this lecture’s program.
Inauguration of this event will be done with the presentation of the James Clark Medal 2022, which has been awarded to Ken Spiby of London Bridge Associates Ltd.
Sir Harold Harding was a member of the panel that investigated the Aberfan colliery waste landslide on October 21, 1966.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ii22FREfHM[/embedyt]